শুক্রবার, আগস্ট ২৫, ২০২৩

Is PT really "Blackberry"???????


Hey Brethren!!!!!!!!!  So, a lot of people have been asking me a'boot Walter Flav and Juan Wayne Florence and their sometimes friend PT! Do you guys remember when loopy Sue and the spectrum kids found that little koneko in the blackberry bushes adjacent to the Beach House????  That was a while ago right???  Those keiki were obsessed with that little feral beast!!!  We gave them copious amounts of kibble which they would put in empty yogurt containers to feed the little creach!  He was super chill for a wild one and they would spend hours out there - by the spiky invasive vegetation trying to coax him out!! They named the little guy "Blackberry", proving that not all spectrum kids are creative savants!!!  They wanted to adopt him but their makua put

the kybosh on that toot sweet!!!!!  The doogster and Loopy Sue both felt that the popoki needed an ohana, so we convinced Postmaster Gail to adopt him and he moved into her double wide!!!  We all forgot a'boot him as time went on!!  Years later,  BeDugan was walking back from the PO with the boyz and this super chubby and extremely vocal tabby followed us back to the beach house, babbling incessantly,bro!!  We shared some kibble with him and he's bin hanging around ever since!!  Now he's pretty much part of the team who are all united against the odious "Hector", the freakishly tall tuxedo gato that constantly tries to rumble!!  With EVERYONE!! Including BeDugan!!!!! The garrulous and slightly obese tabby adopted the moniker PT!  No one is sure why!!  The Doogmeister saw Loopy Sue not long ago and she posited this bombshell:  she thinks PT may actually be "Blackberry"!!!!  Who knows????? Postmaster Gail moved out of the double wide years ago and no one is sure what became of Blackberry!!  Did he find his way back to his old stomping grounds and insert himself into an established colony???  He is suspiciously large for a "homeless" feline, but he has a good heart!!!  Our friends in 2 inch Weekend decided to record a little tribute to the mostly happy menagerie!!!: